How Long Do Veterans Benefits Last?

If you are a veteran receiving benefits from the VA, you may be asking yourself, “how long do these benefits last?”  Each benefits program functions under individual protocol with different time limits for veterans to receive benefits. While some VA programs have an expiration date, many benefits are available to veterans for their entire lifespan once leaving active duty.

For programs related to health care and disability, these benefits typically have no time limit for veterans. These are intended to ensure proper steps are being taken throughout a veteran’s life to maintain a healthy and safe lifestyle. While many other benefits have non-negotiable time limits, the VA has been known to make exceptions in the past for veterans who were unable to reapply due to a health condition or disability. This article will break down expected benefits programs and how long veterans can receive benefits through the VA.

Disability & Pension Compensation

Veterans who developed a disability due to their military service or those who have had a disability brought on post-duty are eligible to receive disability and pension compensation. These monetary benefits are distributed to veterans monthly with the intention that veterans use these funds for assisted living or other forms of disability aid.

These tax-free benefits are available to veterans age 65 or older, along with veterans of all ages living with a partial or total disability. Unlike other benefits programs, veterans will continue receiving benefits for their entire life post-duty as long as they have filed for the program up to one year after separation from the military. More information can be found here:  VA Disability Compensation | Veterans Affairs

VA Home Loan

Applying for a home loan through the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs is an excellent way for veterans to purchase a home with little to no money paid upfront. With no down payment required, no private mortgage insurance required, and enforced low closing costs, a VA home should be on top of most veterans’ benefits list.

The VA partially insures and backs their home loans to give homebuyers better interest rates than applying for a standard home loan. Because this program is intended for veterans looking to purchase a home, this VA program has no time limit for veterans to receive benefits. For more information, visit VA Home Loans Home.

Dental Treatment

While some veterans have health care programs that include dental coverage, many do not. Receiving proper dental care while serving in the military can often prove tricky, resulting in many veterans unable to undergo simple dental upkeep. The VA’s dental treatment program acknowledges these issues and strives to provide veterans with proper dental examination and procedures upon discharge.

Veterans who did not receive any dental examination post-discharge are eligible to receive dental treatment through the VA for up to 180 days after finishing their service. After those 180 days, these benefits are no longer available. More details are available here at VA Dentistry – Improving Veterans’ Oral Health Home.

Veterans Health Care

For veterans who have underlying or persistent health concerns, the VA healthcare program is here to help. The VA offers a long list of services that range from regular check-ups to organ transplants. This program is available to veterans living with health issues during their service and veterans who developed health issues after returning home.

The VA wants to ensure veterans have all the necessary resources to receive proper health care and services for pressing issues. There is no time limit for veterans to receive health care through the VA. Veterans Health Administration (

Education Benefits

Thanks to the Post-9/11 GI Bill, eligible veterans can receive education benefits throughout their entire life as long as they were discharged after January 1, 2013. Veterans who were discharged before January 1, 2013, will have 15 years to receive education benefits.

This program is intended to provide higher education for veterans returning to civilian life who would otherwise not pay for college tuition, housing, and other costs associated with schooling. The Post-9/11 GI Bill provides up to 36 months of education or training for qualified veterans and full tuition coverage for public schools within their residing state. Veterans looking to pursue education out-of-state will receive an adjusted amount that fluctuates each year due to inflation.

The Post-911 GI Bill includes a housing allowance each month and an annual payment of $1,000 used for books and other learning supplies. More information: Post-9/11 GI Bill | Veterans Affairs (


With all the various programs offered by the VA, it can be overwhelming to track the expiration dates for each of the ebenefits provided. Signing up for and making an account with benefits is the easiest way to stay updated on policy changes and expiration dates for your specific benefits programs. Home – VA/DoD eBenefits

When your benefits are coming to an end, it is essential to ensure no program coverage delays. While the VA has been known to extended deadlines, being unaware of the expiration date is not a viable excuse in their eyes.

Starting the application to renew benefits early is a great way to ensure a smooth transition of coverage without compromising health or financial stability.

The Lifeline program is offered to qualifying veterans. This program provides free wireless services, including talk, text, and data to qualifying recipients.  Free Cell Phone Service With Government Program | StandUp Wireless